The Snowball Effect . . .

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Today was an incredible Sunday.

I feel such gratitude and adoration for all the Canadian retailers I have met with at the Toronto Gift Fair.

The boutiques that represent glamjulz are first class all the way.

The familiar faces I saw were not only clients but dear friends.  That’s the great thing about this business, we all share a connection and the strong bond between us just happens so naturally.

We all see the “Buy Local” Facebook  posts that go around. I feel so proud that all of you truly understand how much it helps our economy and all the small businesses.

I want to put into context what it means when you support glamjulz.

Here is the snowball effect – when you order from us, we source our beautiful beads and findings locally.  Next, we work right here at our studio in Burlington Ontario to create your masterpieces.  Then we use an independently owned shipping store to get the julz safely to your doorstep. . . can you see where I am going with this??  Just one single piece of glamjulz helps so many people to make a decent living in this great country of ours.

Now, let’s not forget the part of the business that I am most passionate about.  If it wasn’t for YOU, we could never give back to the people in our community.  When you purchase our amazing fundraising julz you give us the power to add a little sparkle to the charitable organizations.  In turn, they feed kids, do research to discover a cure for cancer, add an extra bed to their hospice. . . the list goes on.

As you are compiling your list tonight for our 12 days of julzmas promo, ordering a hummingbird bracelet for your friend or coming to visit us at Treat Yourself Tuesday, remember – it’s people like you who make companies like mine so successful.

Tomorrow morning, when you’re getting ready for the day, put on your glamjulz and show the world your sparkle – you’ve made a difference!

Monica XO



Your pieces of julz kick up an out fit, casual/work/dressy or otherwise, and make us ladies feel like a million bucks!
#supportlocal #custom #madeincanada
It is pleasure to have known you this long and look forward to see what master pieces you come up with in the years to come!

Monica Graves

Carolyne! Thank you soooooo much! There will be many more masterpieces coming your way! XO


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