Right now my Instagram and Facebook is flooded with friends showing off their second vax Band-Aid! Some of them actually cried when they received the second shot. They were tears of relief as a clear vision of a brighter tomorrow came over them like a tidal wave.
My question to you is, are you ready for this?
There are certain new ways of living that I’ve grown to love since the pandemic started. I do have a fear that once the world starts humming again, I’ll get swooped back in and leave this new lifestyle behind. Besides the fact that washing my hair once a week has been positively delightful and only wearing makeup when I go LIVE on camera has allowed my skin to breathe. There are other changes I want to protect as well. Things that have been really good for my mental health.
No longer using an alarm clock, spending more time in solitude to think, enjoying my free time in nature, working alone in my studio, relaxing with my husband in the evenings, sleepovers at my Moms, cooking every meal at home, drinking way less alcohol, listening to podcasts daily, never sitting in traffic.
I know I can keep all of this going when the world opens up again. It’s more about making different choices and not getting caught up in the hamster wheel, I suppose.
It will be interesting to see how we all adjust to this change. Change is good but it’s also hard. Somehow, as humans, we adapt. Just look how we went from thinking we’d be stuck at home for three months when the pandemic started to now, seventeen months later, we are still navigating our way through safety protocols and missing loved ones.
I guess the world won’t really go back to the way it was. How can it? My hope is that people will come out of this and having a greater appreciation for the small things in life. I hope we take more time to chat with strangers we meet at the grocery store, get off our phones and acknowledge each other, offer our seats to our seniors, trust our employees to work from home if they want to, keep working on line so that we can have more time for family, friends and solitude off line.
Plus, I would love for all of us to think twice about how we are treating our planet.
No matter how much we may think that we are in charge as humans, we are not. Mother Nature has the final say when it comes to protecting the planet. We’ve seen from this virus and from storms and Tsunami’s how quickly she will protect herself.
Let’s step into the new world by cherishing Mother Earth and helping her to heal. She’s given us seventeen months now to work on ourselves, I’m confident that we can do the same for her.
What are you going to protect post-pandemic?
Monica XO
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