Introducing our next colour combination for fall 2017. This one inspired by Maggie here at . Take it away Maggie, you will love her story . . .
Posts Tagged: fashion
What is Fashion?
If you look up “Fashion” in the dictionary, one of its simplest meanings is, “the make, or form of something”. Makes sense… Fashioning something is the way we put items together when we get dressed, and some of us are better at this than others. There are those who want to look trendy, others
Recession = Creativity = Prosperity
It seems like the last few years all we’ve been hearing on the news is how brutal the economy is and how we’re going deeper and deeper in debt as a nation. Do you believe everything that you hear? Do these accusations from our media keep you up at night? Or when you hear them… Read more »
Costume Jewelry vs. Fashion Jewelry
My husband, Wayne said something interesting yesterday. He said, “It kinda’ bugs me when people refer to our pieces as costume jewelry. They are not for costumes. You don’t see Batman running around wearing … Not that there would be anything wrong with that!” Okay I could only disagree with that statement if I was… Read more »