Ever bought a ticket to board the Pity Party train?


I am all cozy right now in a beautiful little hotel room in Becancour Quebec. I’m sitting down to write with sniffles, the beginning of a sore throat and achy joints. Hmmm…I wonder why?  Says me.. AKA Wonder Woman (in my own mind)

Well…I kinda sorta did this to myself!

As you know I was on tour through the United States for a month with my amazing Mom. The mission was to show glamjulz to as many prospects as possible! That was a great adventure and definitely another story.

Got home, outta flip flops, back in to boots and time to get all my ducks in a row for the One of A Kind Show!

Having done the show for 12 years now I have very strict rules for myself while I am there.  NO sugar, NO alcohol and NO salty stuff until the show is over! Water, water, water and lots of fruits, veggies and other healthy choices that I overload my cooler with or as I like to call it my “lunch bucket”.

…so not sure what happened this year.

I snuggled up to my friends at Mad Batter Bakers and nibbled on broken cookies that they couldn’t sell anyway. Come on I was doing them a favour!

Then I cruised on over to my neighbours at Christy’s Gourmet Gifts just to make sure their Christy’s Crunch was as delicious as it always is.

While I was at the show I got a call from my good friend Jason Bantle, (amazing wild life photographer if you haven’t heard of him).  He was in town for a visit and wanted to bring me a bottle of wine….so what did I do? Asked him for Salt and Vinegar chips to accompany the Trius Sauvignon Blanc.

Okay so now I am eating cookies…sampling chocolate, drinking wine behind my booth and enjoying the salty magnificence of salt and vinegar chips.

Why am I in Quebec? Because I’m on my way to Halifax! Why am I headed to Halifax? Because I thought it would be a GREAT idea to tour through the US for a month, launch my new website, participate in the One of A Kind Show and then head directly to the Maritimes for their gift show.

My dear friend Rozi once said to me, “Monica we all feel sorry for ourselves once in a while…allow yourself a 15 minute pity party and then move on”

This advice means so much to me.  I can be the queen of the pity party…it’s terrible. I can be completely grateful for all of the activity that I generate in my life and then I can also be that little devil that says…”this is too much, I want to sleep in, why do I have to do all this?”

Just so you know, I can’t stand that voice…she irritates me and she tries to gobble up and take over the voice that says, “Wow! This is my life and I created it! Woooo hooooo”

I blame that voice on the mass consumption of sugar and salt in the last week and she has now completely compromised my immune system with her evil tactics!

Well guess what? I’m not letting her…I have switched from wine to Mom’s homemade Kefir with OJ..I’ve got Cold FX, Echinacea and Oil of Oregano on the go!  I will gargle with salt water till I reach the ocean and then I’ll just drink it!

Halifax I am READY for you and I cannot wait!!!


Kathy Rodger

You are so cute Monica! I enjoyed reading about your pity party! It was witty and fun! Then you took positive action. Good for you. Hope you are feeling better. K

Monica Graves

Kathy! Thank you so much! Kinda reminds me of some of the great conversations you and I have. Honest but loaded with positivity! XO


Love reading your blog and reading how much fun you have while working! Get better quick Monica!

Natasha Eadie

OMG seriously …we have to have pity party’s… you know why ? because we are HUMAN and that is actually what makes you / all of us great. Years, actually decades ago I went to a management training course when working at a bank, learning about how to be human, not just business…seriously, people have to be trained in that ? Don’t forget to be human …. I really have only ever been able to relate to real people. Although I can pretend when I have to, as long as I live I have no desire to relate to fake people. Good advice someone gave me once, that I have heard subsequently over the years, is you cannot control what happens to you but only how you react to it. mmmm so true. It’s called perspective, but we have to give ourselves the right to have normal emotions about it ! There’s always stuff, we all have stuff, and we would not be human if we just smiled through it ! What does that prove ? We are entitled to those pity party feelings of grumpy, down, frustrated, those “wtf” moments, lol !! Its because you care, that you feel those things. But like your friend said, you have them, then “move on”….never stop being real and who you are Monica – that’s your beauty and your charm ! Those feelings though when you care so much and get so vested and make you great, are also your downside because you fall harder because of those traits. If you were fake and perfect, then you wouldn’t be special. (even though you are pretty close) …..I have been swamped lately with work, so I’m thankful for that, and hoping I am able to deliver, because that is what makes me happy 🙂 ….but always stressing about what I’m neglecting in the process ! Can’t win ! I have missed your Tuesday drop-ins lately but can’t wait till I can come see you soon ! Sorry for the typos and grammar but I will put it down to the BBQ chips I just ate as my “vegetable” at dinner, the red wine to wash it down…..and I will be hunting for some chocolate for the bottom of my work bag to finish off – wish me luck ! Miss you, my friend and promise we will re-connect soon !

monica graves

Natasha!! I am so crazy about your response! Next time I see you we are eating chips, chocolate and drinking red wine together! Deal??

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic….I think as women we need to come clean on this stuff..we are too hard on ourselves!

Honesty is so liberating isn’t it?


Norma Gibson-MacDonald

Have a wonderful time in NS and if you need any advice on great places to eat and find wine/beer throughout the province let me know. BTW, you didn’t mention that Christy’s is Burlington’s own!

Monica Graves

Norma! Thanks so much! Tell me where your favourite place to eat in Halifax is? I’m meeting friends on Saturday night.

How could I have missed that important point about Christy’s! Right here in Burlington Ontario at Mainway and Walkers!!!


Leona obrand

Hi monica its Leona from Oppens. Your a hoot . What’s wrong with binging once in a while. Thanks so much for the necklace. All the jewellery is gorgeous. Thanks again hugs

Monica Graves

Leona! You are correct…sometimes you just need to embrace the binge! Thanks for your lovely comment and for wearing glamjulz so well! XO

Pam Ritz

Monica. You are truly a “Wonder Woman”! If I had only one quarter of your motivation, enthusiasm and zest for life I would be successful in business and life! It is a pleasure to know you and be on your friend list!! You are an amazing person!

Monica Graves

Wowzah! Okay Pam you’re spoiling me now! I might just need to read your comment every morning!! Thanks so much for your kind words! Xo

Barbara Crowder

Hi Moni! Been there, done that…but never with as much pizazz as you so glamorously show from time to time! Since my return from Switzerland I’m like a lost waif day to day…guess I got really spoiled when away, and enjoyed all that attention, great food, mountains, flowers, etc. What can I say? I wish you well in Halifax, and will be thinking of you!!! Have a great time!


Barbara…are you kidding me? I see how glamourosly you navigate through life despite what is thrown your way!

Can’t wait to here all about Switzerland. …hopefully over a glass of Riesling with our friends Lionel, Marvin and Daryl! Xo


not only are you an AMAZING artist with your jewellery etc…. You also should become a writer, your blog is FANTASTIC … keep it rolling Moni!


Dana!! Awwww shucks! Thank you so much for this comment! It means so much coming from you! You’re such a driven entrepreneur and I just adore you!

Heather Pitcher

Love that you keep it real! Blog post and the comments to follow have been what I needed today! Thank you all!

Monica Graves

Heather! Your comment makes me sooooo happy! I love when women come together and form supportive groups and community! So fantastic! Hope your day keeps getting better and better. xo


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