On Line Shopping Endorphins

What is it about on line shopping that makes us feel so good? Is it the thrill of the find, especially when it’s a great sale?  Is it discovering something no one else will have?  Is it the convenience of the package being delivered right to your doorstep, sometimes the next day

Last week I found a great deal on some sexy slouchy jeans.  I loved the whole vibe of the ad, I even bought the matching white T-shirt the model was wearing because I want the “look”.  When the package arrives next week I’m going to rip that sucker open and prance around in my new dream jeans!

I remember when I was 11,  I  saw a pair of purply-pink orchid coloured jeans in a catalogue.  It must have been Sears.  They were a designer name, I think it was Jordache.  I wanted them so badly but my Mom and Dad were completely against paying $60 for a pair of jeans.  I had to put in half the cash from my babysitting money and they were mine!  I gave my parents the money, we filled out the order form, mailed it in and –  almost four weeks later – the jeans were mine!

This weekend we are running an on line Show Room Flash Sale here at glamjulz.  I LOVE seeing the orders come in.  It’s exciting for me to see what my customers choose.  I can just picture you wearing the pieces and putting them together with a beautiful outfit.  Sometimes I’m lucky enough to have you send me pictures of you in your julz as you dash off to work, travel to a far away place or hang out with your girlfriends on a Friday night.  It’s like when you place your order you start the happy dance and when I receive the order I just keep on dancing!

I’m getting more and more used to this on line world we live in.  The more I can personalize the experience and make sure you know how valued and special you are, the more satisfied I am.  Communication is everything.

By the way, not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’ve been communicating with you daily on my Instagram Stories about a big surprise announcement happening this month.

Watch the story and DM me if you think you know what we’re up to!

Having fun on line with all of you makes my job so easy!  So, thank you.

Monica XO

If you haven’t had a chance to check out our Flash Sale this weekend, there are still lots of beauties left!  HERE is one of my favourite finds, probably because it would have gone perfectly with those Jordache jeans!

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