Posts Tagged: glamjulz


I am so excited to be writing this blog that I don’t quite know where to start.  I suppose I should start by saying that I am a VERY proud big sister!!!! Even though my brother is going to be 40 this year… it wrong for me to say that I am still a proud… Read more »

Keeping Track

Looking through my photo albums I think I have more pictures of food then anything else!  I love to cook, I love to eat and I love to taste new things!  Getting together with friends and family is always a culinary adventure.  As I eat and eat I also try to be careful with the… Read more »

Happy 10th Anniversary CH Morning Live!

On February 21st (Family Day), I had the pleasure of joining CH Morning Live to celebrate their 10 year anniversary of the show!  My alarm went of at 4am that day!  I indulged in one 5 minute snooze and then went downstairs to make myself a BIG cup of tea!  Next….. get showered, dressed, hair,… Read more »

Circle of Happiness!

Okay……I MUST show off a little here!!! Is this not the yummiest necklace you have ever seen???? Honestly I feel joy bubbling up inside of me when I look at these colours.  Every season we design another multi coloured Ten Strand Necklace and I just LOVE them!  One of our customers calls these necklaces the… Read more »

We LOVE our Brides!

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching what better subject to talk about than brides!!!! I am so lucky!  I get to work with so many creative and happy women, planning for their big day!  Some of our brides like a traditional look but I find that most of you glam brides come to us for something… Read more »

This Fall needs some Colour!

There is something about fall that makes us all get serious.  Back to school, back to work, flip flops are no longer a part of the wardrobe, sensible shoes or boots are a must and for some reason we are all dying to wear sweaters and great looking coats even though we’re kinda still sweating! … Read more »